What do lovers of good wine think of Apple Paple?
We have asked bartenders, sommeliers and wine lovers what they think of our wine. We would be too modest if we said we were surprised by these opinions… 🙂
真的引起了轰动! 波兰市场上出现”首批波兰优质的苹果纯酿酒“。并不是西打酒,而是发酵成11%酒精的,用苹果汁酿的酒。可以说是”廉价优质酒“。这想法是怎么来的?不关键,关键的是做法!”(...)成功了!成功制造了很有趣,美味,高质量的果酒。我肯定会再品尝“Papla.
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„啜饮这种苹果美酒感觉好极了,尤其是加了冰块儿和稍微加点苏打水之后。不过,从我的角度看来,最重要的是 – 我非常开心的看到波兰出现越来越多新的倡议,由充满激情的人创造的新项目”
Mulled apple wine on the basis of Apple Paple – 100% natural!
There is nothing like good mulled apple wine made of natural ingredients only. It’s ideal for cold autumn and winter evenings.

How to make Paple mulled wine:
1. 1. Prepare the extract:
100 – 150 ml water
1 finely chopped apple
juice squeezed out of a half an orange
handful of cranberries
1 cinammone stick (about 5 cm)
Boil it for about 20 minutes, then cool it.
2. Add:
100 ml honey liqueur (eg. Krupnik)
750 ml Apple Paple
and heat it to about 60 °C
Leave for some time so that it blends together well and then drain it off (you can pour it into a bottle).
Before serving heat up (do not boil!) the required amount.
3. Serve with a piece of an apple and a few cranberries. Add some honey to taste.
Old Polish apple kruszon (kind of punch) based on Apple Paple
You probably didn’t know that for centuries we have had our variant of Sangria – kruszon based on apple wine.

Kruszon (Fr. Cruchon – a jug, in Polish pronounced as krooshon) – a cocktail made of white wine, sugar and oranges, also with the addition of some other fruit, chilled soda water and crushed ice.
Apple kruszon recipe:
a jug
1 bottle of Apple Paple
1 handful of crushed ice
1 bowl of sliced seasonal fruit and several mint leaves
And perhaps one spoonful of something you would like to add, your special secret – some other fruit mousse, grandma’s jam, vanilla – just have fun with it!
In our picture you can see kruszon with orange mousse – blended oranges.
This refreshing drink, perfect for summertime, was popular in the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century. It was served at almost any kind of social event – parties, carnival balls, ceremonial dinners. The essential component of kruszon was white wine (imported or – most often – local wine made from apples, pears or Polish varieties of grapes) with sugar and seasonal or dried fruit. Many families had their own recipes for this drink, there was even a kind of rivalry as each family regarded their recipe/drink as the best one. Kruszon was served in glass jugs and that is where its name came from (“a jug” in French is “cruchon”). It had to be chilled or served with crushed ice.
The most famous kruszon has been produced “since time immemorial” in Krzeszów, in Podkarpacie region. Made according to the old traditional recipe, in 2006 kruszon entered the official list of traditional products kept by the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development.
Here are some of our best drinks based on Apple Paple

Green Paplesh
crushed ice
120 ml of Apple Paple
20 ml of melon liqueur
fresh-squeezed juice from ½ lime
pieces of a lime and mint leaves for decoration

Apple Szpryc
ice cubes
120 ml of Apple Paple
20 ml of Aperol
fresh-squeezed juice from ½ lime
pieces of an orange and mint leaves for decoration

Up #258
ice cubes
120 ml of Apple Paple
20 ml of burbonu
20 ml of orange liqueur
squeezed lime juice